Activations to Start Your Day

Activations to Start Your Day

ACTIVATION – Motivation: Today I am in action to feel the joy of completion – Completion creates greater mental clarity by releasing the baggage that clouds the mind. Action: I stand like a warrior, every muscle engaged in the action of being focused on the mission of completion. Get more Activations at To your…

What’s the Best Way to Start the New Year?
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What’s the Best Way to Start the New Year?

So how did your New Year begin…really? Making those New Years resolutions….you sit down with your journal or your computer and wait for the inspirations to flow out…..but instead all you see is a blank page or screen.  Then perhaps you wonder what is the big deal with writing those silly things any way.  Do…

Will Stretching Exercises Manage Stress?
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Will Stretching Exercises Manage Stress?

Will stretching exercises really help manage stress? That’s a great question!  One that my students ask all the time.  Want to know the answer?  Good, you’ll be glad that you asked. But first, let’s find out why.  Dancers go to technique classes to train their bodies to move with style and graceful strength.  Gymnasts also…

Seek Creativity. Find Balance. Feel Joy
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Seek Creativity. Find Balance. Feel Joy

httpv:// It’s Time to Re-Think Stress by Choreographing Your Life with Creativity! defines a Choreographer as the person “To plan out or oversee the movement, development, or details of; orchestrate” A Choreographer navigates through a variety of options, people or situations to create a successful end result by choosing from a unique collection of…