What are
Declutter Sessions?

Hint - they're profoundly simple, yet deeply moving!

Your life, your business, and your wellbeing – What do they all have in common? 


As we interact digitally, socially and internally, we encounter areas of our lives that may not make sense.  We might feel that we keep repeating the same patterns or behaviors over and over again.   When those patterns become conflicted, our energy becomes depleted – creating mental, emotional, or energetic ‘clutter’!  

What’s the intervention?

Declutter Your SELF!

Using a unique blend of methodologies, you can regain the sense of wholeness and restore your energy to optimum levels, so you can give your best performance, from the inside – out.

Together, we can explore the roots of those stressful, emotional, stifling patterns of clutter so we can begin to untangle and resolve them.  I consult primarily with entrepreneurs, business owners and educators in the health and wellness community.

What I’ve discovered in my own professional and personal life are five essential, or elemental aspects of human interaction and provide us with the most alignment to our energy, mindset, and potential.  After more than 25 years of being involved with ballroom and traditional dances, I discovered that dances became personifications of certain qualities, demonstrating how we might perform in group situations.  Review each element by clicking on the tabs.

Group and Individual Declutter Sessions

“Once we express our difficulties, our challenge is out in the open, and only then can we go out and find the solutions.” 

~Deepak Ohri, CEO, lebua Hotels         

Decluttering Sessions use the process of looking at the symptoms that are blocking us from the perspective of what is both in Harmony and DISHarmony within the system. We investigate the symptoms from the individual, group and societal systems that are interacting to discover and diagnose the core issue/s. We co-create activities that support and strengthen the parts that are the cause of the DISHarmony to bring you or your organization back into harmonious alignment.  Just like when your body is out of alignment, the nervous system cannot communicate effectively, when your energy is out of alignment, your emotions may not process effectively, and we feel stuck. Without an intervention, the stress creates physical symptoms that show up personally, professionally and organizationally. These symptoms impact us in every role or system we exist in.

Discover your interaction style by completing a short What’s Your Dance™ Assessment.  This is a quick and fun assessment based on the personified elements of 5 social dances (based on more than 30 years of performing, teaching and choreography).

As a Certified SimplyAlign™ and Systemic/Family Constellation practitioner, I am passionate about bringing your energy back into alignment, so you can build a more cohesive YOU!  

Group Sessions: During these thematic 1-hour sessions, we cover one element, starting with a guided visualization, a discussion, and some practical applications.  Cost: $28 per session.

Solo Sessions: 40-50 minutes sessions that dive deeper into a full menu of areas where energy may be blocked.  Cost $100.  Types of benefits include:

  • Optimizing your mental clarity and focus.
  • Enabling a proactive mindset.
  • Releasing impediments that are impacting your peak performance.
  • Providing empowering affirmations to drive your momentum forward.
  • Boosting your overall energy and productivity.
  • Minimizing distractions and downtime.
  • Fostering wholesome connections, nurturing collaborative energy and shared success.

Energy Enhancers: a powerful, more focused session designed for repeat clients and includes a 15-20 min re-alignment.  Just like our car’s tires can become mis-aligned when driving on various road conditions, we too can be impacted by life’s events and you are feeling a bit off your normal game!  Packages of 4 sessions: $150

Click below to Start Decluttering!