03 – How to Improve Self-Expression

Question of the day, is it better to give than receive? 

That question is pondered in today’s conversation in the Indigo Tent.

How to Improve Your Self-Expression

Self expression is how we express or communicate our personal feelings. Usually this takes the form of art, music, dance but it can also be reflected in our inner dialogue. This is the voice inside our head that we use to communicate with ourselves. 

“Putting a voice to your soul helps you to let go of the negative energy of fear and regret”

Shannon Alder

How do we express ourselves with positive energy?

It starts internally before it comes off on the outside. When we have good positive energy in our personal dialogue, we then display that energy to those around us.  This is not always that easy though. Our inner dialogue can be brutal. But if we can master our inner dialogue and use this to our advantage, we can project our thoughts into manifestations of what the world around us sees. 

If we can’t speak to ourselves in love how can we expect to speak to others in love. How many times are we disappointed when we see ourselves in the mirror? However, if we can look at ourselves and be kind and see our true potential, that will manifest in the way we interact with the world. 

Zella shares a story about seeing yourself in a mirror of an antique furniture that is a family heirloom. She feels like she looks a lot better because she sees herself through her ancestors who have passed that furniture down to her. If we can see ourselves through the perspective of someone who loves us, we can then see our true potential. 

The best way to love yourself is through an internal dialogue that supports you. Expressing yourself positively

kid in jacket looking at yellow wall with believe in yourself written

Application Activity

  1. Think of a time you were given a compliment
  2. Now mentally zoom out and think of the person saying it
  3. Ask yourself what it took for them to say that compliment
  4. Journal about it and discuss it with friends

When someone gives you a compliment, what are they giving? 

They are giving a piece of their soul to you. Who am I to not receive a piece of their soul. 

It is more blessed to give than to receive. However, when someone gives to you, do not deny them of their blessings. 

Look at yourself in the mirror and look through your eyes and into your soul and say I see you and I love you! Remind yourself that you are loved. 


One Comment

  1. So lovely and insightful to listen to. Your podcasts accompanied my morning walk. So delightful??
    Thank you!

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