5 Tips for Being Your Best in the Zoom Era Workday

The workplace, the 9 to 5 environment sure has changed! Zoom meetings are a wonderful way to communicate but at what cost? Join us in the tent for an interview/discussion with Laura Bender, Yoga teacher and podcaster. Laura, Wendy, and I talk about finding some peace in a new workday format. Our guest has some great tips to share as she is learning to carve out a new path in a virtual world.

A portrait of a young business woman in her cubicle in a corporate office.

Laura went from the cooperate world to the yoga studio, a dream come true in many ways. Now, like most of us, she works from home and is able to teach virtually to students around the world! Along the way, Laura has joined forces with My Vinyasa Practice, a studio headquartered in Austin Texas. MVP is a brick and mortar studio, and now a virtual studio, built on the foundation of accessibility and service.  Like most of us, Laura plays many roles, teacher, student, mentor, professional, wife, and friend. She shares with us how these roles have evolved and how they line up with creating the life she has always dreamed of.

People Hand Assemble Connection Meeting Teamwork Concept

One of Laura’s nuggets of wisdom is to stay connected to your tribe. Even though we can’t reach across the table and high five right now during the pandemic, we still need that connection that comes from belonging to a group and to a purpose bigger than the individual. At the same time, we need to care for the self in loving and routine ways.

Moments with Your Higher Self

Carefully curated activities – we’re educators, we know that reflection on a topic (homework) works and these activities can help us share even more moments with our higher self.

5 Tips for being your best in the Zoom Era Workday

  1. Start each day with an intention
  2. Make sure your self-time is inspiring
  3. Meditation, not just for the Buddhist monks
  4. Self-care includes mindful eating
  5. Connection with your tribe is more important than ever

Connect, practice and explore with Laura at https://www.lbyogi.net/ . This is her personal website for Yoga and Wellness. Shop for CHI malas and CHI bracelets that Laura creates with love and are charged with Reiki energy.

Find out more at https://www.lbyogi.net/shop

You can also practice with her at https://www.myvinyasapractice.com/

Thanks for listening and we’ll see you next time in the tent.

Zella Marie and Wendy
