Humans are designed to move, to stretch, and to carry weight. The brain muscle connection is an amazing feature that can bring so much joy and sometimes confusion. Have you ever heard, “Don’t do that! You’ll hurt your back.” Or “Be careful, that repeated action will hurt your knees!” Should you ever find yourself in a tree pose we’ll give you some tips as to what is safe for your body and what is a total misconception that is repeated blindly by most yoga instructors. Join us in the tent as we unpack two very common myths in the world of exercise and mindful movement.


All movement involves breath, mind, and body coordination. We want to be safe in our bodies and listen to what feels good as well as what hurts. Pain is an indicator to back off, for sure but it is also your body responding to something new or muscles that need to activated.

Moments with Your Higher Self

Carefully curated activities – we’re educators, we know that reflection on a topic (homework) works and these activities can help us share even more moments with our higher self.

  • Ask questions!!! Stay curious and explore movement that feels good for your body.
  • Check out our free yoga on the Indigo Tent Web Page. Practice with Zella Marie and find some zen while engaging in yoga that steps out of the normal bounds and cues for the curious mind.

We love and appreciate each of you and look forward to meeting up with you in the tent!!!

Zella Marie and Wendy
