Letting Go With Grace and Dignity

There are constant transitions in our life and inevitably we will reach a time to say goodbye to a place, idea, job, pattern, or a person. In a way, the idea of letting go is like experiencing a loss.  How do we handle that loss?  How do we cope with the myriad of emotions – determination, grief, sadness, reminiscing, moving forward, etc?  All of these can become a beautiful or necessary transformation – from what was to what will be. Join us in the Indigo Tent for a conversation about letting go with grace and dignity.

Letting Go of a Place

Change of location, a home, a lifetime of memories.  We can be attached to a place and adapt as we let go.  Saying goodbye to a home of 25 years allows the space mentally and emotionally for the new home and the next phase of the journey.  We all move through life, from home to home, to new beginnings. What lessons can we learn as we transplant from one location to the next?

image of lilly pads

Changing of Seasons

Every season has a reason and a purpose.  Understanding those reasons is what helps us go beyond just surviving to be able to thrive.  Thinking about our favorite season provides invigoration and nurturing.  In nature, these seasons each cycle into the other for the continuation of life.  When we consider the seasons of our own lives, there is also a purpose.  We may have moments of looking back to another season, such as when we were younger, when we were in a happy space, yet we must move forward to our next reason for living.

Alone tree in four season

Changing Lifestyles

Our world has been turned upside down.  First, we had the mandatory quarantine for the Coronavirus and now we have curfews for the civil unrest following the tragic death of a good man in Minnesota. How do we handle the lack of freedom from an unseen enemy and the discord within the American story?  There are no easy answers but there is hope and there is always time for reflection and transformation.

Coronavirus cells in microscopic view.
Coronavirus cells

Loss of Parent

Losing someone is always challenging. When we say goodbye to a parent we say goodbye to a part of the story of our lives.  Funerals are never easy but when we embrace the celebration of a life well-lived, when we acknowledge the legacy and accomplishments we allow space for transformation within our own self and the continuation of the journey.

Zella’s Dad
Wendy’s Dad

Moments With Your Higher Self Top view of religious male crossed hands in prayer

Carefully curated activities to support your journey toward your best version of YOU! We’re educators, so we know that reflection on a topic works (that’s why there’s homework), and these activities can help us share even more moments with our higher self.

Activity:  How do we manage these feelings of loss?  Part of finding the grace or dignity of letting go allows for emotional distance.  On the journey toward our higher self, it is also essential to consider who you are becoming.

    1. Walk and Talk with your higher self.  Take a walk and just let your mind and tears flow.  This is releasing what is stuck inside and allowing space for healing.
    2. Eulogy. What would your higher self write about you for your own eulogy?  Think about your potential rather than your past.
    3.  Your bio – 10 years later.  Where has your career taken you and what have your become?  Prepare your future bio!


One of the things that is really going to help you find that emotional distance is by journaling. Use the reflection questions and the exercises as a starting point to document your thought process. Having your thoughts documented so you can refer back to them and gain additional insights on your journey toward dignity and grace.

If you haven’t already, I recommend investing in a nice, high-quality journal. This will help place the proper importance on the gems of wisdom that come to you as you reflect. Here are some examples of good journals to use on Amazon:

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