Delivering Authentic Messages in Lifestyle Marketing Campaigns
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Delivering Authentic Messages in Lifestyle Marketing Campaigns

Seen a promotion lately about a new diet guaranteed to drop 15 pounds, an exercise regimen that will have you in peak shape in only a few weeks or a supplement that will erase all signs of any disease or even, the innovative ingredient that will remove all signs of aging?  With the numbers of…

Improving Your Life through Healthy Behavior Change
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Improving Your Life through Healthy Behavior Change

Regardless of your industry or role in life, you are impacted by change. Sometimes those changes can feel like it’s SPINNING life out of control. You recognize that changes are needed, but you’re feeling unclear on a direction or focus. Maybe you’ve made some attempts at change in the past, but they didn’t last. Now…

Spring Cleaning Your Emotional House

Spring Cleaning Your Emotional House

“Spring Cleaning for Your Emotions” Its spring in most of the world….Dallas just received some major storms and tornadoes that made national news.    For many, it is time to do some spring cleaning around the house, after a winter of being cooped up. As I was catching up with a dear friend about these events, the…

Idle Minds and Stress: Is There A Connection?
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Idle Minds and Stress: Is There A Connection?

“Idle minds are the Devils Workshop.” I heard this proverb recently and it sparked some reflection.  Another version of the proverb uses idle hands, but the idea is the basically the same.  Typically it is referenced with the idea that the mind and hands will become sinful if not kept busy.  Don’t stop…or those thoughts…