Why do Bad Things Happen to Good People?
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Why do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

Why do bad things happen, to anyone? Wendy and I pondered this question in our latest discussion. Do you find the narrative of the heroine’s journey intriguing? We all face difficult times or circumstances. Why? What is the purpose? The journey toward our higher selves continues with conversations in the Indigo Tent.  Join us on…

Setting Boundaries – Familiar Theme, New Approach
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Setting Boundaries – Familiar Theme, New Approach

Welcome to the tent and another day to ponder life. We’re sure you are familiar with the best selling book, “Boundaries” by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend. This book is recommended by therapists around the world and for good reason. The analysis found within, the examples given, and the suggestions and reflections recommended…

Consistent Path – Creative Life!
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Consistent Path – Creative Life!

In this podcast, we explore the meaning of consistency and we challenge the notion of staying on the safe path, all for the sake of being good. Does a consistent routine kill the element of surprise and curiosity? There is no path to the world of spontaneity but we can carve out a way by…

5 Tips for Being Your Best in the Zoom Era Workday
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5 Tips for Being Your Best in the Zoom Era Workday

The workplace, the 9 to 5 environment sure has changed! Zoom meetings are a wonderful way to communicate but at what cost? Join us in the tent for an interview/discussion with Laura Bender, Yoga teacher and podcaster. Laura, Wendy, and I talk about finding some peace in a new workday format. Our guest has some…