A conversation with Dr. Elaine Ferguson About the Mind/Body Connection to Health and Healing
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A conversation with Dr. Elaine Ferguson About the Mind/Body Connection to Health and Healing

This week we have a guest in the tent, Dr. Elaine Ferguson, author, speaker, and a physician who specializes in integrative medicine! Dr. Wendy met Dr. Elaine several years ago and they knew right away they were soul sisters. Both doctors have been on a quest to enjoy and explore the journey of wisdom, empowerment,…

Consistent Path – Creative Life!
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Consistent Path – Creative Life!

In this podcast, we explore the meaning of consistency and we challenge the notion of staying on the safe path, all for the sake of being good. Does a consistent routine kill the element of surprise and curiosity? There is no path to the world of spontaneity but we can carve out a way by…

5 Tips for Being Your Best in the Zoom Era Workday
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5 Tips for Being Your Best in the Zoom Era Workday

The workplace, the 9 to 5 environment sure has changed! Zoom meetings are a wonderful way to communicate but at what cost? Join us in the tent for an interview/discussion with Laura Bender, Yoga teacher and podcaster. Laura, Wendy, and I talk about finding some peace in a new workday format. Our guest has some…

Movement Myths
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Movement Myths

Humans are designed to move, to stretch, and to carry weight. The brain muscle connection is an amazing feature that can bring so much joy and sometimes confusion. Have you ever heard, “Don’t do that! You’ll hurt your back.” Or “Be careful, that repeated action will hurt your knees!” Should you ever find yourself in…